Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Well Design and Operations

Steve Nas

In this 3-days course equips participants with the knowledge and skills for designing, operating, and managing wells used in underground storage of carbon dioxide (CO2). By the end of this course, participants will be able to apply their knowledge to design, operate, and manage wells for CO2 storage projects, evaluate the feasibility of CO2 storage sites, identify and mitigate risks associated with CCS operation and communicate effectively about CCS technology.

Day 1

Introduction to CCS and CO2 Storage

  • Setting the scene CCS technology overview and the role of CCS
  • Worldwide experience from EOR, pilot and commercial projects
  • CCS market challenges
  • Current operational projects
  • Planned Project
  • Geological storage options for CO2 
  • Depleted O&G fields
  • Deep saline formations
  • Enhanced oil recovery
  • Coal seam storage
  • Regulatory and environmental considerations for CCS projects
  • Standards
  • Compliance
  • CO2 properties and behavior
  • Phase diagram
  • Behavior in wells and in geological formation
  • Storage site selection and requirements
  • Storage site selection criteria.
  • Storage performance factors: capacity, injectivity, and containment
  • Risk assessment storage sites
Case Studies:
  • Acorn CCS site selection
  • Gorgon CCS challenges
  • In Salah CCS injection operations

Day 2

Well Design and Construction for CO2 Storage

  • Well types and well design
  • Legacy wells
  • New injection wells
  • Re-using legacy wells
  • Monitoring wells
  • Well design process
  • Well design process
  • Objectives
  • Site selection criteria
  • Well performance requirements
  • Completion design
  • Basis of well design
  • Detailed well design
  • Material selection
  • Stress analysis
  • Well integrity considerations
  • Risk assessments
  • Well construction
  • Objectives
  • Challenges
  • Cementing practices
  • Wellbore integrity management
  • Well control
  • Drilling challenges
  • Risk assessments

Case Studies:

  • Goldeneye Well functional specifications
  • Goldeneye Well design
  • Goldeneye Well integrity assessment

Day 3

Well Operations and Monitoring for CCS

  • Injection operations and optimization.
  • Monitoring requirements and techniques.
  • Storage site monitoring
  • Reservoir monitoring
  • Well monitoring
  • Well suspension
  • Well Abandonment and site closure
  • Risk assessments
  • Case studies of CCS projects worldwide
  • CCS challenges
  • The future of CCS technology
Case Studies:
  • Goldeneye monitoring
  • Porthos CO2 injection and monitoring
  • Porthos abandonment planning

Gaining knowledge and understanding of the following topics:

  • Fundamentals of CCS technology and its role in climate change.
  • CO2 properties and its behavior in wells and in geological formations.
  • Geological storage options for CO2.
  • Best well design and construction practices for CO2 injection.
  • Well integrity considerations for CO2 storage.
  • Assessing and re-use of legacy wells.
  • Well monitoring techniques and requirements for CO2 storage projects.
  • Risk assessments associated with CCS operations and mitigation strategies.
  • Regulations and standards governing CO2 storage.

This course is intended for the disciplines listed below, as well as anyone with a specific interest in the topic:

  • Engineers and geoscientists involved in CCS projects
  • Wellbore integrity specialists
  • Project managers
  • Regulators

Steve Nas

Well Engineering Consultant and Instructor

Experienced well engineer and well engineering instructor with an MSc in Drilling Engineering and over 40 years of drilling and well engineering experience. Skilled in many facets of advanced  well engineering such as Deepwater Managed Pressure Drilling, High Pressure – High Temperature, Geothermal, Well Integrity, Well Control and Well Abandonment operations. Experience working for operators, drilling contractors and service providers delivering a wide range of engineering solutions for complex wells. 

Developed and presented numerous training courses related to well design, managed pressure drilling, high pressure high temperature operations, casing design, advanced well control, well control emergency response planning and well abandonment.

Skilled in thermal and multiphase hydraulic modelling for geothermal and underbalanced drilling and blowout kill calculations. Experienced in engineering solutions for well abandonment, relief well planning and coiled tubing drilling.

Coauthored several SPE books and numerous SPE papers and Member of SPE, ICOTA, IADC, IWCF, Energy Institute.


- ls
  • Code PST0440-202401
  • Start Date 28 Oct, 2024
  • End Date 30 Oct, 2024
  • Locations Bandung, Indonesia
  • Cost USD 2995
  • Register
Code Start Date End Date Locations Cost Instructor Register
PST0440-202401 28 Oct, 2024 30 Oct, 2024 Bandung, Indonesia USD 2995 Steve Nas Register
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